Dr Kate Matthews

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Kate graduated from Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital Medical School in 2005. She worked in general internal medicine for 4 years, passing her physician’s exams, before undertaking further training in General Practice in her home county of Dorset, in the South West of England.

Kate moved to Christchurch in March 2018 with her husband, an ophthalmic surgeon, and two young daughters. Kate also works as a part-time GP, in Merivale.

Kate joined Jesse’s practice in 2019 and has clinics on Thursday and Friday afternoons. She was drawn to aesthetic medicine and skin quality in particular, in order to help people navigate the wealth of confusing and unscientific advice about anti-ageing.

Kate brings her 15 years of medical experience to her aesthetics practice and believes in offering evidence-based treatments that deliver lasting, beautiful cosmetic results. She shares Jesse’s philosophy of delivering subtle and natural results so that patients look rested and refreshed rather than changed in appearance.

Kate can advise on the medical-grade skincare we stock and also regularly treats people with micro-needling. She is an advocate for the daily use of broad-spectrum sunscreen and the use of topical vitamins A and C. She has seen the clear benefits of these products in supporting and maintaining skin quality during and after micro-needling treatments. These 3 treatments work fantastically well to help rejuvenate skin damaged by the New Zealand sun.

In her spare time, Kate loves keeping active with regular Pilates, swimming with her children and cycling in Hagley Park. She finds that living in Christchurch provides a great opportunity to introduce her children to outdoor life and in winter can be found up at Mount Hutt helping them with their first efforts on the snow. She is a member of a book group with like-minded professional women but finds there is never as much time to read as she would like.

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Dr. Kenton-Smith

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Dr. Kenton Smith is a qualified plastic surgeon now focusing entirely on his private practice and serving on The Board of The College of Surgeons. His accredited day surgery in Merivale, Christchurch offers a range of plastic and reconstructive surgeries, tailored for his patients, with a focus on best possible care and outcomes.

Dr. Kate Matthews

Cosmetic Physician and GP
Dr Kate Matthews is both a family GP and an Appearance Medicine Physician. Dr Matthews is one of the few GPs in New Zealand who works closely with a Plastic Surgeon. Dr Kenton-Smith and Dr Matthews often work together to maximize aesthetic results, using a range of Botox, cosmetic fillers and cosmecuetical skin care.

Contact Us
Nautilus House, Level 2, 146 Kilmore Street, Christchurch Central, 8013, New Zealand