Tumescent Liposuction Surgery and Liposculpture


Dr Jesse Kenton-Smith Plastic Surgeon

Dr Kenton-Smith prefers to call the liposuction technique liposculpture. Liposculpture is the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the United States. Liposculpture permanently removes and recontours the body fat from areas of the body to reshape and restore a more aesthetic balance. Often these areas are hereditary. Areas, where liposuction is commonly performed, include the thighs, hips, abdomen and back. Sometimes liposuction is performed in the neck and in the arms.

Who is an ideal candidate for liposuction?

Mr Kenton-Smith only performs liposuction to enhance other procedures, such as breast reduction and abdominoplasty. In our experience, the cost of liposuction is too high for the satisfaction rates our patients have reported.

The ideal candidate for liposuction is of normal weight who notices an area, e.g. the saddle bags of the thigh, which always carries excessive fat. Liposuction depends on good skin quality and is rarely suitable for areas with skin laxity or stretch marks.  It is rarely suited for use around the abdomen following childbirth. 

How is liposuction performed?

Dr Kenton-Smith performs almost all liposuction under general anaesthetic, under the care of a specialist anaesthetist at St Georges or Southern Cross Hospital. He reidentifies and marks up the areas to be recontoured and sculptured on the ward prior to surgery. These areas are agreed with the patient so that the best aesthetic balance can be achieved.

The areas to be recontoured are infiltrated with fluid and anaesthetic under general anaesthetic. A blank cannula, or hollow tube, is inserted through small stab incisions of 4-5 mm.   The recontouring is performed and these small incisions are then stitched. A garment is then applied, which should be worn for three weeks after surgery. Most patients stay in hospital over night. Dr Kenton-Smith discharges them the following morning, and arranges a follow-up appointment in approximately ten days.  Most people like to take 1-2 weeks off work. Bruising is commonly present for a few weeks after surgery. Within a few weeks the reshaping is very clear and the final result can be determined in about 3 months.

How much does liposuction surgery cost?

Liposuction is performed under general anaesthetic in hospital with the costs varying, depending on how large or small the area/areas are.  We will be able to give you a price guide after your consultation with Dr Kenton-Smith.

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Dr. Kenton-Smith

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Dr. Kenton Smith is a qualified plastic surgeon now focusing entirely on his private practice and serving on The Board of The College of Surgeons. His accredited day surgery in Merivale, Christchurch offers a range of plastic and reconstructive surgeries, tailored for his patients, with a focus on best possible care and outcomes.

Dr. Kate Matthews

Cosmetic Physician and GP
Dr Kate Matthews is both a family GP and an Appearance Medicine Physician. Dr Matthews is one of the few GPs in New Zealand who works closely with a Plastic Surgeon. Dr Kenton-Smith and Dr Matthews often work together to maximize aesthetic results, using a range of Botox, cosmetic fillers and cosmecuetical skin care.

Contact Us
Nautilus House, Level 2, 146 Kilmore Street, Christchurch Central, 8013, New Zealand