Duyptrens Surgery


Dr Jesse Kenton-Smith Plastic Surgeon

What is Dupuytren’s Disease?

Dupuytren’s disease is a condition of the hand which leads to progressive flexion of the fingers.  The condition is fibrotic in nature. 
It was first described by Baron Guillaume Dupuytren in The Lancet in 1831.  It was thought to have been introduced into Anglo-Saxon races by the Vikings in 700AD.  It remains almost exclusively a caucasian disease and is genetic.  Generally it appears later in life.

Is Dupuytren’s Disease curable?

Currently Dupuytren’s disease cannot be cured, but bent fingers can be straightened. 

If I have Dupuytren’s Disease, when should I have surgery?

Early nodules within the palm are not treated surgically.  These may be treated with steroid injections if they are painful or left alone.  Surgery is contemplated when your hand can no longer be placed flat on the table or when the first knuckle drop of the finger (PRP joint) starts becoming bent.  The exact timing of this is important.  This will be discussed with you by Dr Kenton-Smith.

How is surgery performed?

Surgery is usually performed under a general anaesthetic or arm block anaesthesia as a day surgical procedure in St Georges Hospital or Southern Cross Hospital. 

A zig-zag incision is made over the chords and bands and these chords and bands are separated from the nerves and blood vessels of the finger under magnification.  If the skin of the finger is involved, Dr Kenton-Smith may perform dermofasciectomy where the involved skin is removed and replaced with a skin graft.  This is usually taken from the palm of the hand.  This appears to reduce the rate of recurrence of Dupuytren’s.

Will my Dupuytren’s come back?

Since the underlying condition cannot, at this stage, be cured, Dupuytren’s often recurs.  Hopefully, this will be many years in the future.  Recurrent Dupuytren’s is generally amenable to further surgery.

How much does it cost?

The approximate cost for the procedure is $9,000 for one hand.

Should you have further questions, please use the “contact us” facility below or telephone us to arrange a consultation with Dr Kenton-Smith.

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Dr. Kenton-Smith

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Dr. Kenton Smith is a qualified plastic surgeon now focusing entirely on his private practice and serving on The Board of The College of Surgeons. His accredited day surgery in Merivale, Christchurch offers a range of plastic and reconstructive surgeries, tailored for his patients, with a focus on best possible care and outcomes.

Dr. Kate Matthews

Cosmetic Physician and GP
Dr Kate Matthews is both a family GP and an Appearance Medicine Physician. Dr Matthews is one of the few GPs in New Zealand who works closely with a Plastic Surgeon. Dr Kenton-Smith and Dr Matthews often work together to maximize aesthetic results, using a range of Botox, cosmetic fillers and cosmecuetical skin care.

Contact Us
Nautilus House, Level 2, 146 Kilmore Street, Christchurch Central, 8013, New Zealand